Constitution                                          Worksheet 3                                        Mr. Thacker


Introduction                                                      Section 5 and 6


Define the following:


1.  "no prior restraint"

2.  void

3.  freedom of opinion

4.  unambiguous

5.  abridging

6.  federalism



What does the word sedition mean, why did Thomas Jefferson issue the Kentucky Resolution in response to the Sedition Acts, why did it open "Pandora's box."








In the court case of Schenck v.  U.S. Appeal (1919) why was Oliver Wendell Holmes' use of the phrase "ordinary times" so important.  What effect does is have as it relates to free speech today.








What two terms in the First Amendment are considered ambiguous, do you think the "founding fathers" made a mistake by not defining those terms?








When testing the First Amendment, in regards to whether speech is protected what three questions should you ask yourself.